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Faculty of Science

Study Progress and Graduation

Where do I see my study progress and where do I apply for my degree?

The ‘Study progress & graduation’ app is available in the student portal. It allows you to track your study progress and edit your graduation proposal. The app accompanies you through your studies from enrolment to graduation.  You can find instructions and a video on the ‘Study progress & graduation’ app on the ‘UZH for students’ website under ‘Study progress and graduation' here.

Track your progress
In the application, you can see your pass requirements, i.e. the requirements you have to fulfil in order to graduate according to the current study regulations. The credits you have earned at the Faculty of Sciences are usually listed under 'Individual credits'. You can assign these credits to your study programm (mono, major or minor). This allows you to decide what credits are counted towards your programm of study. The exception to this is the Master's thesis, which you will find assigned to your program automatically. If you are doing a minor in another faculty, you will find that many of your credits are already assigned to the minor. The application also allows you to edit the degree proposal. 

Register for graduation
In order for us to be able to process your graduation request, you must apply for graduation using the Study Progress & Graduation application in the Student Portal.

Are there deadlines for the graduation?

For the graduation in the autumn semester, applications must be submitted between 16 October and 15 March. For graduation in the spring semester, applications must be submitted between 16 March and 15 October. If you are unable to meet these deadlines, you must be enrolled for the following semester, otherwise we will technically not be able to process the graduation request. These are university deadlines and we, the Faculty of Sciences, are not able to authorise exceptions.

Further important deadlines can be found under ‘What does the validation date mean’ below.

I cannot see my modules and cannot apply for a degree in the Student Portal. Why?

Click on “Individual academic achievements”. You will then see the modules and you can assign them to your major or minor program.

How soon will I receive my diploma after my application for graduation has been approved?

We try to send out the graduation certificates after the validation by around the middle of the following month.

What does the validation date mean?

Applications for graduation are validated by the MNF Studies Commission every month. Validation always takes place on the 1st working day of the month. This date is also printed on the final documents for Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

Degree applications must be received at least 1 week before the validation date so that they can be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. If you are completing a minor study programm at a different faculty, the deadline is 2 weeks before the next validation. If you are applying for graduation at the very end of the semester and this deadline cannot be met, you will need to enroll for another semester.

Will I receive a confirmation of graduation?

You will automatically receive a provisional confirmation once your graduation request has been processed.

How can I exmatriculate?

You can always apply for exmatriculation at the end of a semester within the deadline via “My applications and invoices” in the student portal. Further information can be found here: