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Faculty of Science



Dear students, dear future students,

Natural scientists contribute significantly to the understanding of the world, to the development of new or better solutions to problems, and to progress to our society. The strengths of the Faculty of Science at the University of Zurich (UZH) are a particularly broad range of study programs, interesting possibilities for combining study programs, uncomplicated relationships between students and professors, and the early integration of research elements into our studies.

UZH and the Faculty of Science (MNF) are among the best research institutions in the world. We incorporate the latest research findings directly into our teaching, so you can be sure that you will be trained at the cutting edge of research in your field: You'll find innovative degree programs, some of which are unique, and state-of-the-art research and training laboratories. Thanks to our major/minor system, you can take a first program of 120 ECTS credits and a second program of 60 ECTS credits; however, it is also possible to complete 150 or even all 180 ECTS credits of the Bachelor's program in the first study program. The individual support and good supervision of our students is a priority for us. In addition, studying at a comprehensive university like UZH offers further advantages: Thanks to interdisciplinary and in some cases cross-faculty study programs, you will get to know different ways of thinking and come into contact with different research cultures.

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