Excellent basic research as well as inter- and transdisciplinarity is our foundation and strength. In our eminent networks, we conduct research nationally and internationally across disciplines and faculties, in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide.
With our wide range of study programs, attractive combination options in the major/minor system and the early inclusion of research elements in the degree course, we are training the next generation of natural scientists for the future to come.
As largest faculty of mathematics and natural sciences in Switzerland, and second largest UZH faculty, we offer outstanding working, research and learning conditions and enable to discover the fascinating world of mathematics and sciences.
Hot Jupiters are giant planets initially known to orbit alone close to their star. A team including the University of Zurich has just announced the existence of a planetary system, WASP-132, with an unexpected architecture. It contains not only a Hot Jupiter but also an inner Super-Earth and an icy giant planet.
One Health, Many Maps: What Cartography Teaches Us About Antimicrobial Resistance in Humans, Animals
The inaugural lecture by Prof. Thom Van Boeckel, One Health Institute (VSF, MeF, MNF), will take place on 17.02.2025 at 17:00 (Aula KOL-G-201) and is entitled “One Health, Many Maps: What Cartography Teaches Us About Antimicrobial Resistance in Humans, Animals, and Food Systems”. Live stream and video at https://www.uzh.ch/en/events/events/av.html
Die zehn erfolgreichsten Medienmitteilungen des vergangenen Jahres decken ein breites Themenspektrum ab – von Essensvorlieben über einen Durchbruch bei Long-Covid und faszinierende prähistorische Funde bis hin zu neuen Erkenntnissen über die Kultur der Schimpansen und den Ursprung der Syphilis. Jede dieser Meldungen traf einen Nerv und sorgte international für Schlagzeilen.