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Faculty of Science



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Booths of departments and other entiries:

Departments at the Faculty of Science and related entities Life Science Zurich, Science Lab UZH, Science Pavilion UZH, Natural History Museum of the University of Zurich, Botanical Garden, and Animal Welfare and 3Rs present their research fields. Visit the booths and get inspired!

• Research in different forms: guided tours, workshops, talks, demonstrations, booths, etc. (see below)
• Photo exhibition and public voting on photos from MNF Science Photo Contest
• Music: C-Side Collective & DJ Tina Teekanne


Research activities for the whole afternoon

Weiterführende Informationen

Aquatic Biodiversity at the Irchel Campus [booth] 

More about Aquatic Biodiversity at the Irchel Campus [booth] 

(German & English) [for everyone] 

Tiny living factories that make antibiotics in the soil [booth] 

More about Tiny living factories that make antibiotics in the soil [booth] 

(English) [for everyone] 

Bionics - Animal role models of technology [booth] 

More about Bionics - Animal role models of technology [booth] 

(German & English) [for everyone] 

Casino Evolution: Discovering New Molecules through Evolution [booth] 

More about Casino Evolution: Discovering New Molecules through Evolution [booth] 

(English) [for everyone] 

Solar observations with a telescope [Observation to participate in] 

More about Solar observations with a telescope [Observation to participate in] 

(English) [for everyone] 

Research activities starting between 12:00 - 13:00

Weiterführende Informationen

Opening speech

Magic and science [talk] 

More about Magic and science [talk] 

(English) [for everyone] 

Molecular Architecture [guided tour] 

More about Molecular Architecture [guided tour] 

(English) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 8 people

Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

More about Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

(German & English) [for children & adults] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 6 children & 6 adults 

Learning about soil in the field. 50 years and still young, the story of a Technosol [guided tour] 

More about Learning about soil in the field. 50 years and still young, the story of a Technosol [guided tour] 

(English) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 20 people

Meerkats at Irchel [guided tour] 

More about Meerkats at Irchel [guided tour] 

(German & English) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 7 for German & 7 for English 

Life Science Lab Tour [guided tour] 

More about Life Science Lab Tour [guided tour] 

(English) [for 14+ years old] [NOT for pregnant women] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 15 people

A world without bread? [booth] 

More about A world without bread? [booth] 

(German & English) [for everyone]

Das Rätsel der Antimaterie [talk] 

More about Das Rätsel der Antimaterie [talk] 

(German) [for youth & adults]

Formen in der Luft: Die faszinierende Verbindung zwischen Seifenblasen und Mathematik [workshop] 

More about Formen in der Luft: Die faszinierende Verbindung zwischen Seifenblasen und Mathematik [workshop] 

(German) [for everyone] 

Research activities starting between 13:00-14:00

Weiterführende Informationen

Zur Naturgeschichte der Fabelwesen: Ein nicht alltägliches Forschungsprojekt [talk] 

More about Zur Naturgeschichte der Fabelwesen: Ein nicht alltägliches Forschungsprojekt [talk] 

(German) [for everyone] 

Gibt es "Natur" im Irchelpark? [guided tour] 

More about Gibt es "Natur" im Irchelpark? [guided tour] 

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 20 people

Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

More about Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

(German & English) [for children & adults] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 6 children & 6 adults 

A world without bread? [booth] 

More about A world without bread? [booth] 

(German & English) [for everyone] 

Ionenkanäle – die elektrischen Schalter des Körpers [talk] 

More about Ionenkanäle – die elektrischen Schalter des Körpers [talk] 

(German) [for everyone] 

Formen in der Luft: Die faszinierende Verbindung zwischen Seifenblasen und Mathematik [workshop] 

More about Formen in der Luft: Die faszinierende Verbindung zwischen Seifenblasen und Mathematik [workshop] 

(German) [for everyone] 

CrowdWater: collect water data with your smartphone [guided tour] 

More about CrowdWater: collect water data with your smartphone [guided tour] 

(German & English) [for youth & adults] {Registration at the registration booth} Up to a few groups with max. 20 people per group

Finding a more humane alternative for house mouse control [talk] 

More about Finding a more humane alternative for house mouse control [talk] 

(English) [for everyone]

Schnitzeljagd und offenes Atelier für Gross und Klein [Workshop]

More about Schnitzeljagd und offenes Atelier für Gross und Klein [Workshop]

(German) [for everyone]

Es treffen sich drei schwarze Löcher... [theater]

More about Es treffen sich drei schwarze Löcher... [theater]

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 25 people

Research activities starting between 14:00-15:00

Weiterführende Informationen

Bild und Spiegelbild – Streifzüge durch Chemie, Natur, Kunst und Architektur [talk] 

More about Bild und Spiegelbild – Streifzüge durch Chemie, Natur, Kunst und Architektur [talk] 

(mainly German) [for everyone] 

Vom Proteinkristall zur gedruckten Struktur [experiment to participate in] 

More about Vom Proteinkristall zur gedruckten Struktur [experiment to participate in] 

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 40 people

Edelsteinsuche mit dem iPad [workshop]

More about Edelsteinsuche mit dem iPad [workshop]

(German) [for children between ca. 10 and 13 years old] {Registration at the registration booth} max. 18 perople

Science Pavilion UZH: Führung durch die Physik-Ausstellung [guided tour]

More about Science Pavilion UZH: Führung durch die Physik-Ausstellung [guided tour]

(German) [for adults] {Registration at the registration booth} max. 20 perople

Meerkats at Irchel [guided tour] 

More about Meerkats at Irchel [guided tour] 

(German & English) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 7 for German & 7 for English

The life and scientific contributions of Swiss-born naturalist Santiago Roth [talk] 

More about The life and scientific contributions of Swiss-born naturalist Santiago Roth [talk] 

(English) [for everyone] 

Podiumsdiskussion “Biodiversität und Klimawandel [panel discussion] 

More about Podiumsdiskussion “Biodiversität und Klimawandel [panel discussion] 

(German) [for youth and adults] 

Naturjuwelen im Innenhof Y55 der Universität Zürich-Irchel [guided tour] 

More about Naturjuwelen im Innenhof Y55 der Universität Zürich-Irchel [guided tour] 

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} max. 25 perople

Schnitzeljagd und offenes Atelier für Gross und Klein [Workshop]

More about Schnitzeljagd und offenes Atelier für Gross und Klein [Workshop]

(German) [for everyone]

Research activities starting between 15:00-16:00



Weiterführende Informationen

A journey from the beginning of the universe until the end of time [talk] 

More about A journey from the beginning of the universe until the end of time [talk] 

(English) [for everyone] 

Gibt es "Natur" im Irchelpark? [guided tour] 

More about Gibt es "Natur" im Irchelpark? [guided tour] 

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 20 people

Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

More about Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

(German & English) [for children & adults] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 6 children & 6 adults 

Ionenkanäle – die elektrischen Schalter des Körpers [talk] 

More about Ionenkanäle – die elektrischen Schalter des Körpers [talk] 

(German) [for everyone]

Workshop Nebelkammer -- Spuren subatomarer Teilchen [workshop]

More about Workshop Nebelkammer -- Spuren subatomarer Teilchen [workshop]

(German) [for youth & adults] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 30 people

Finding a more humane alternative for house mouse control [talk] 

More about Finding a more humane alternative for house mouse control [talk] 

(English) [for everyone]

Schnitzeljagd und offenes Atelier für Gross und Klein [Workshop]

More about Schnitzeljagd und offenes Atelier für Gross und Klein [Workshop]

(German) [for everyone]

Es treffen sich drei schwarze Löcher... [theater]

More about Es treffen sich drei schwarze Löcher... [theater]

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 25 people

Research activities starting between 16:00-17:00



Weiterführende Informationen

Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

More about Physics workshop: Do it yourself your own adhesive tape dispenser [workshop] 

(German & English) [for children & adults] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 6 children & 6 adults

Molecular Architecture [guided tour] 

More about Molecular Architecture [guided tour] 

(English) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 8 people

Vom Proteinkristall zur gedruckten Struktur [experiments to participate in] 

More about Vom Proteinkristall zur gedruckten Struktur [experiments to participate in] 

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} Max. 40 people

Chinesisch Purpur – eine Wunderreise [talk]

More about Chinesisch Purpur – eine Wunderreise [talk]

(German) [for youth & adults]

Formen in der Luft: Die faszinierende Verbindung zwischen Seifenblasen und Mathematik [workshop] 

More about Formen in der Luft: Die faszinierende Verbindung zwischen Seifenblasen und Mathematik [workshop] 

(German) [for everyone] 

Naturjuwelen im Innenhof Y55 der Universität Zürich-Irchel [guided tour] 

More about Naturjuwelen im Innenhof Y55 der Universität Zürich-Irchel [guided tour] 

(German) [for everyone] {Registration at the registration booth} max. 25 perople

Photo contest prize ceremony