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Faculty of Science

Practical information


Saturday, June 8, 12:00-17:00


UZH Irchel Campus, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich Map 

Getting here

Public transport station: Milchbuck (Tram Nr. 7, 9, 10 and 14 & Bus Nr. 69, 72 and 83),  Universität Irchel (Tram Nr. 9 and 10) 

Car: Parkhaus Irchel

Price and tickets

All events are free of charge.

The booths are freely accessible, as well as many activities such as talks or panel discussions.

For activities with limited number of places such as workshops and guided tours you need a registration which is free of charge (see the Program). The regisstration can be done at the registration booth at earliest one hour before the start of each activity.

Food & Drinks

Foodtruck, drink-stand and ice cream are available at the festival site.



During this festival photos will be taken and videos will be recorded, and these could be published via the University of Zurich. We thank you for your understanding.