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Would you like to spend a semester studying abroad? Here you will find details of our partner universities and the persons to contact arranged by subject area. The benefit of spending a semester abroad at a partner university is that the work you do there will be fully recognised – and you will remain enrolled at UZH. You can find more information about this option, particularly about internships abroad, on the University's Global Student Experience website.
The ideal time to spend a semester abroad would be in semester five or six of your Bachelor's program.
Contact: Ewa Bolli
The ideal time to spend a semester abroad would be in semester six of your Bachelor's program or any time during your Master's program.
Contact: Sabine Stockhause
The ideal time to spend a semester abroad would be in semester four, five or six of your Bachelor's program or at the beginning of your Master's program.
Contact:Yvonne Scheidegger
The ideal time to spend a semester abroad would be in semester five or six of your Bachelor's program.
The ideal time to spend a semester abroad would be in semester five or six of your Bachelor's program or at the beginning of your Master's program.
The ideal time for your semester abroad would be in semester six of your Bachelor's program or any time during your Master's program.
Contact: Sabine Stockhause