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Faculty of Science

Student Advisors

Student advisors for mono/major and minor programmes

Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning (New Bachelor)
Applied Probability and Statistics (Minor)
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Furrer
Tel. +41 44 635 58 43
Astronomy and Astrobiology (Minor)
Prof. Dr. Ben Moore
Tel. +41 44 635 58 15
Astronomy and Astrophysics (New Bachelor)
Prof. Dr. Aurel Schneider
Tel. +41 44 635 61 90
Astrophysics for Physicists (Minor)
Prof. Dr. Ben Moore
Tel. +41 44 635 58 15
Dr. Cristina Manatschal
Tel. +41 44 635 55 17
Dr. Cristina Manatschal
Tel. +41 44 635 55 17
Claudia Hegglin
Tel. +41 44 635 47 41

Bioinformatics (Minor)
PD Dr. Karin Isler
Tel. +41 44 635 48 62

PD Dr. Karin Isler
Tel. +41 44 635 48 63

Kresimir Rados
Tel. +41 44 635 48 38
Dr. Sabine Jacob
Tel. +41 44 635 50 52
BioMed Enterpreneurship (Minor for Master's students)
Dipl. Oec. Elke Zappe
Dr. Eva Furrer
Tel. +41 44 634 54 45
Chemical and Molecular Sciences (Specialized Master's program)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Spingler
Tel. +41 44 635 46 56
Dr. Sabine Stockhause
Tel. +41 44 635 46 44
Chemistry and Business Studies
Dr. Sabine Stockhause
Tel. +41 44 635 46 44
Computational Science (Minor)
Dr. Joachim Stadel
Tel. +41 44 635 58 16
Computational Sciences (Master's program)
Dr. Douglas Potter
Tel. +41 44 635 58 93
Cristallography (Minor)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Spingler
Tel. +41 44 635 46 56
Data Analysis in the Sciences (Minor)
Dr. Joachim Stadel
Tel. +41 44 635 58 16
Earth System Science 
Studienberatung des Geographischen Instituts
Tel. +41 44 635 51 18
Environmental Sciences (Minor)
Claudia Hegglin
Tel. +41 44 635 47 41
Studienberatung des Geographischen Instituts
Tel. +41 44 635 51 18
Informatics (for questions of MNF students)
Daniela Bärtschi
Tel. +41 44 635 43 21
Lab Automation and Chemical Data Science (New Minor)
Dr. Johannes Schörgenhumer
Tel. +41 44 635 46 94
Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauter
Tel. +41 44 635 58 45
Maja Schärer 
Tel. +41 44 635 58 35
Neural Systems and Computation (Specialized Master's program)
Lottie Walch
Tel. +41 44 635 30 25
Neuroinformatics (Minor)
PD Dr. Daniel Kiper
Tel. +41 44 635 30 36
Prof. Dr. Christof Aegerter
Tel. +41 44 635 58 13
Anna Troller
Tel. +41 44 635 58 11
Quantitative Environmental Sciences (Spezialized Master's program)
Claudia Hegglin
Tel. +41 44 635 47 41
Simulations in the Sciences (Minor)
Dr. Joachim Stadel
Tel. +41 44 635 58 16
 Spatial Data Science (New Minor)
Studienberatung des Geographischen Instituts
Tel. +41 44 635 51 18

Admissions Office for Applicants with Foreign Qualifications

Universität Zürich
Ressort Studierende
Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich
Tel. +41 44 634 22 36

Kontaktformular: Abteilung Studierende

Zurich University Student Advisory Services

Besides the Psychological Counselling Service, the University of Zurich maintains a number of advisory services that specialise in matters such as student financing, scholarships, studying and disabilities.

UZH Student Financing Office