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News list 2023 |
Oh, du süsse Weihnachtszeit!![]() Genug von Zimtsternen und Mailänderli? Wir haben zwei leckere Kuchenrezepte fürs Weihnachtsdessert für Sie – ausprobiert, getestet und prämiert von UZH-Angehörigen, die sich bestens aufs Zusammenmischen von Zutaten verstehen. Mehr 2023-12-20 Text Alice Werner; Bilder Irène Studer-Rohr |
Winning Project for “PORTAL UZH” Selected![]() The planned new building called PORTAL UZH is a key part of the mid- to long-term development of Irchel Campus. The conclusion of the architectural competition marks the first step in making the plans a reality. Mehr 2023-12-12 Directorate for Real Estate and Facility Management |
How Plant Sciences Influence our Lives![]() The Center of Competence for Plant Sciences run by the universities of Zurich, Basel and ETH Zurich is 25 years old. For its anniversary, 12 research groups are presenting some of their most important discoveries in an online exhibition. Using five examples, we show how plant research affects our lives. Mehr 2023-12-06 Manuela Dahinden / Thomas Gull; English translation by Caitlin Stephens |
Riding Sound Waves in the Brain![]() Researchers from ETH Zurich and University Zurich have shown for the first time that microvehicles can be steered through blood vessels in the brains of mice using ultrasound. They hope that this will eventually lead to treatments capable of delivering drugs with pinpoint precision. Mehr 2023-12-06 Fabio Bergamin, ETH Zürich |
Inoculation Against Diseased Fields![]() A Swiss research team has now shown that inoculating the soil with mycorrhizal fungi can help maintain or even improve yields without the use of additional fertilizers or pesticides. In a large-scale field trial, harvests increased by up to 40 percent. Mehr 2023-12-06 |
Women in HerpetologyGözde Cilingir, PostDoc in the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, contributed to the book "Women in Herpetology: 50 Stories from Around the World". Mehr 2023-08-30 Gözde Cilingir |
ZEIT Podcast climate policy![]() In a podcast for the German ZEIT, Prof. Kai Niebert explains what works to stop the climate crisis, what role education (does not) have, why the actions of the "Last Generation" are a dead end and also what the Friday for Future achieved. Mehr 2023-08-25 Kai Niebert |
Less fake news but increasing polarization on Twitter![]() Social media is transforming political communication dynamics. Together with an international team of researchers, Alexandre Bovet want to better understand the role of these new dynamics in politics. Mehr 2023-06-27 Alexandre Bovet |
Arthropods in species-rich forests contribute to improved productivity![]() An international team of Chinese, German and Swiss researchers has shown that forests with higher tree species richness tend to have a greater diversity of arthropods. In addition, the study shows that higher tree diversity promotes productivity, due to the suppression of herbivores by enemy arthropods. The results have recently been published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. Mehr 2023-06-27 Bernhard Schmid |
Women in Science campaign 2023Women pioneers in research yesterday and today Mehr 2023-02-27 Korinna Esfeld, Dr. |
list of events 2023 |
BioVisionCenter Symposium, November 9th - 10th![]() This kick-off Symposium aims at celebrating the launch of the BioVisionCenter by highlighting current initiatives for bioimage analysis and identifying opportunities to connect across the bioimage analysis community. The Symposium will feature invited talks from local stakeholders as well as national and international leaders in the field, and will offer ample time for networking and discussions. Mehr 2023-11-04 |
Mastering iPSC: Insights from iPSZürich & STEMCELL Technologies![]() SAVE THE DATE! On November 7th the iPSZürich committee in collaboration with STEMCELL Technologies will present a special day, fully dedicated to iPSC research. Whether you are an expert, a beginner or even just considering working with iPSC, this day will have something to offer! Mehr 2023-10-14 Ambra Villani |
Annual Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2023 Conference![]() Registrations Open for the Annual Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2023 Conference (Hybrid edition: virtual conference + in-person networking apéro) | 26th - 27th Oct Mehr 2023-09-13 |
Wissen to go – abends im Zoologischen Museum UZH![]() Ab September 2023 ist das Zoologische Museum am Donnerstagabend von 17:30 bis 20:00 Uhr geöffnet. Mehr 2023-09-07 Zoologisches Museum der Universität Zürich |
Appointment symposium OHIThe APTT Appointment symposium for the newly founded One Health Institute of the UZH on September 21st with presentations by the candidates. Mehr 2023-09-07 OHI |
Exhibition to Commemorate K. Alex Müller![]() An exhibition in the Lichthof Irchel will provide insights into the outstanding research and life of K. Alex Müller. Mehr 2023-08-30 Katharina Müller |
Lecture «What’s in a name? Bias in peer review»![]() On 25 September 2023 the Gender Equality and Diversity UZH organizes in collaboration with the URPP Equality of Opportunity the lecture «What’s in a name? Bias in peer review». Mehr 2023-08-25 UZH Gleichstellung und Diversität |
Symposium to Commemorate Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist K. Alex Müller![]() On 21 September 2023, a symposium will be held in the UZH auditorium to commemorate Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist K. Alex Müller Mehr 2023-08-25 UZH Kommunikation |
Future Plan(t)s - exhibition side events: LASER TALK II![]() Resilience, Nutrition, Food Systems, Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 18:30 to 22:00. Location: SAE Greenhouse Art Lab, Häldeliweg 19, 8044 Zürich Mehr 2023-08-28 Dr. Silvie Cuperus |
Future Plan(t)s - exhibition side events: LASER TALK I![]() Future of Soil – Plant interactions: Tuesday, 29 August 2023, 18:30 to 22:00 Location: SAE Greenhouse Art Lab, Häldeliweg 19, 8044 Zürich Mehr 2023-08-28 Dr. Silvie Cuperus |
Future Plan(t)s - Art meets Science - 25 August to 10 September 2023![]() An exhibition of 18 artists at the SAE Greenouse Art-Lab Mehr 2023-08-27 Silvie Cuperus |
FameLab Switzerland Final 2023![]() Join us for an evening of captivating scientific presentations by young researchers from EPFL, ETHZ, University of Basel and University of Zurich. Mehr 2023-08-21 Silvie Cuperus |
Scientifica 2023![]() The Scientifica is the science festival of the UZH and ETHZ. This year, researchers will again inspire young and old! This year's theme? "What holds the world together." Mehr 2023-08-27 - |
feminno – female innovation and career development in Sciences![]() Are you a female scientist or alumna and interested in entrepreneurship training? Then apply for the feminno entrepreneurship program. Mehr 2023-07-26 - |
Swiss 3Rs Day![]() The Swiss 3Rs Day is a full-day event featuring 13 speakers from industry, academia and animal welfare organisations. This year the keynote speech will be held by Hannah Harrison on In vitro modelling of breast cancer metastasis and niche priming (Manchester University). Topics covered will range from culture of care to digitalization of in vivo studies, Mehr 2023-07-26 Paulin Jirkof |
Life Science Core Facility DayThe UZH technology platforms support research with a wide range of services and promote know-how transfer and interdisciplinary cooperation. Mehr 2023-07-26 - |
Why become an astrophysicist?![]() In a talk followed by an Apéro, Prof. Ravit Helled will talk about her career in science, the fascination of astrophysics, the importance of participating in space missions, and the qualities required to become an astrophysicist. Mehr 2023-06-08 KE |
3-2-1 Go Euclid!![]() What is dark matter? What drives the accelerating expansion of our Universe? These and more questions could be answered by Euclid, the European Space Agency (ESA) space mission which is set to launch in July 2023. Several UZH researchers are actively involved in the project and will tell us more in the Space Café. Join us on June 16, 2023, at Irchel Campus (room Y16-G-15). Mehr 2023-06-07 Francesca Lepori |
Integrating Diverse Forms of Knowledge in Health Care Research![]() Dr. Chloe Pasin, fellow at the Collegium Helveticum, is organising a workshop on Tuesday June 20: Integrating Diverse Forms of Knowledge in Health Care Research. How can interdisciplinary studies in health help bridge between the biomedical field and other academic fields as well as non-academic settings to expand our global understanding of health and address health inequalities? Mehr 2023-06-02 Chloé Pasin |
Honorary doctorate for Maude Barlow![]() On the occasion of UZH's Dies Academicus on 29 April 2023, Maude Barlow was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The faculty thereby honors Maude Barlow's commitment to the recognition of the fundamental human right to water. She is also a founding member of the Blue Community, which UZH joined in May 2022. Mehr 2023-05-05 KE |
"frighteningly beautiful pictures" – facts&forecasts on climate changeFrom June 1 to July 2, 2023, "erschreckend schöne Bilder" will be on display at Photobastei Zurich. They stage facts and forecasts about the climate crisis in an impressive and striking form. The exhibition is organized by the Fachklasse Grafik Luzern and the Department of Geography of the University of Zurich. Mehr 2023-06-01 Magdalena Seebauer |
The countdown is on! - Titan arum flowers in Botanical Garden UZH!![]() After four years, the time has come again, the Titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum, arum) begins to unfold its inflorescence. It will only take a few more days until the huge flower is fully open and emits its special scent - carrion smell. When it does, the plant will bloom for only 48 hrs. Mehr 2023-05-21 Botanischer Garten der Universität Zürich, Caroline S. Weckerle |