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Faculty of Science

MNF Sustainability Committee


Lastname Firstname E-Mail Department Function
Adamek Julian Mailadress Department of Astrophysics
Chang Johan Mailadress Department of Physics
Furrer Reinhard Mailadress Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning
Hall Marcus Mailadress Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies FFL representative
Krützen Michael Mailadress Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Lhasam Tenzin Peldon Mailadress Department of Physics
Michel Annina Mailadress Department of Geography FFL representative
Mihaljevic Morana Mailadress Science Lab UZH Representative of admin./tech. staff
Natter Perdiguero Anton Mailadress Department of Chemistry WNW representative
Petchey Sara Mailadress Office of the Dean
Santos Maria J. Mailadress Department of Geography
Sigel Roland K.O. Mailadress Department of Chemistry Dean
Tilley David Mailadress Department of Chemistry
Tuncay Isik Mailadress WNW representative