MNF-Fotowettbewerb Wissenschaft / Science Photo Contest

Scaled image Research_Objects/RO_23_Weijia_Zhong_image001.jpg

Action painting neurodegenerative pathology in a human neuronal network

Neurodegenerative diseases cause some of the neurons in our brains to die, resulting in different symptoms depending on the brain region affected. To study the mechanism of such diseases and indentify therapeutic targets, the Polymenidou lab recently achieved generating stem cells-derived human neuronal culture that models the pathology observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Using this model, they discovered a toxic increase in protein NPTX2, suggesting it as a potential therapeutic target. In this microscopic image, the ensemble of cluster-shaped astrocytes together with the long, thin axons of neurons bears a resemblance to Jackson Pollock’s artwork.
by Weijia Zhong